Ballet (7-12 yrs old)
Monday, 5:00-6:00pm
Looking to acquire more grace and discipline on a higher level? Do you get joy obsessing over details? Try a classical approach! This precision base style seeks to increase flexibility and strength to the entire body. Placement, carriage, etiquette, and stage presence holds great value. Ballet challenges dancers to maintain their positions during motion and balance in a turned out stance; while executing performance quality to look light and airy. Class always begins at the barre. The class transitions to the center of the floor to do a series of combinations and finally progresses to large leaps and jumps across the floor. Register now and dance with grace!
Dress Code: Leotard, ballet tights, ballet shoes, ballet skirt (optional)
Hair: Groomed high/low bun
Drop in price: $20.00
one time, annual registration fee (ONLY applies to those who are paying monthly): $25
additional packages available.