AMOC's current Artist-in-Residence is the guest speaker for this event. Don't miss it!
March 17 | 8:30am | Free
Theme 125: Corruption
Corruption can start innocently, like favoring someone you know over someone you don’t. Or recalling a gift they once sent, and repay them with a project for that sweetness. Corruption is a spectrum, rewarding social connections and financial advantages over the rules of fair play. It exists in every society and every institution.
Some people survive through corruption, the labyrinthine bureaucracies where they live making it literally impossible otherwise. But while they survive, others perish. Rising plumes of toxic chemicals, collapsing buildings not constructed to code, we owe the calamities all around us to those who cared more about profit than people and gain over the greater good.
#CMDAL #cmcorruption #creativemornings #dallascreatives #oakcliff #dallasevents